Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Harry Potter Potion Drinks

For our Harry Potter Potion Drinks we removed the labels from different bottles and filled them with pop and juice.
We printed Harry Potter labels of the internet and glued them on.There was also a chart, to tell the kids what was actually in the bottles. Then we made up recipes of drinks, that they could mix, we gave them names like: "The dark Lord", "Love potion" and so on. The biggest hit was a jar of Effervecente, labeled "dried Pumpkin Slugs". It made every drink super fizzy!

Monday, May 26, 2014


This is Ollivanders Wand Shop.
As everybody knows, the wand chooses the the wizard.
 So we had every guest pick up a wand and perform a simple spell. Using "Lumos" to light the candle in the background. If it didn't work, they had to try it with a different wand. (The candle is electric, I operated the switch with my foot.)
We made the wands, by rolling paper around BBQ skewers, added hot glue designs and painted them different shades of brown and black. We embellished some with gold or silver paint. 

Monday, May 19, 2014


This is our "Sorting Hat", (actually a Bavarian boys hat from our last trip to Germany).
We placed it on the guests head and then pulled a house name out of a sock (Dobby's sock).
We printed the house badges onto sticker paper and had the guest stick them to their shirts.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


This is how we decorated the house for the party:

These are the flying keys we made, we attached invisible thread and stuck the to the ceiling with adhesive putty. This was the "the third floor corridor".
This sign was on the bedroom door, no entry allowed. 

This is where we collected the house points. We found the crests on line and glued them on to mason jars. The points are just coloured pieces of paper. The house cup is a plastic trophy, we got at the dollar store. It was gold, when we bought it, but to make it less tacky looking, we painted it black and the gold again. Alyson painted the Hogwarts crest.
This is the owlery, we'll explain later, how we made the owls.

"The chamber of secrets" (Bathroom)

Alyson's room
This is the Harry Potter Quilt, that Alyson made. The paper piece pattern can be found on "sewhooked".
Thanks, Jennifer Ofenstein for sharing your amazing patterns with all the "Potterheads"